Thursday, August 24, 2023

Blurry Face

By Logan Lewis


I've got nothing here to hide, 
tear me open: look inside
you'll see where a beating heart'd once stand
in the soul of a broken man. 
Solomon's got nothin on me
you pulled me apart yet I breathe
a sigh of quick relief
knowing that you're gone and I'm free. 
I'm still strong. 

If only I had a Time Machine
Then you'd see just what I mean
That I'm no good for you I see
Then I'd just let it be
We were young and everything was fun
But now it seems we're done
Another year older: another trip around the sun 

I blurred your face out of our pictures yesterday
I'd be lying if I said it didn't have to be this way
I saw the story in your eye
Oh how time would fly
And now all I have to say is Goodbye 

Now these pictures feature a featureless face
In that Mesa, Arizona, coffee shop place
The other face just takes up blank space
Every time I view our picture, your blurry face I see

And it makes no sense at all to me

About the Author
Logan "Bowie" Lewis is from Pekin, Illinois, going into his third year at Illinois Central College. He loves music and plays the guitar and writes songs and poems. His favorite bands are The Replacements and The Lemonheads. His biggest heroes are God and his parents. He gets inspiration from events and tidings throughout life. You can often find him at music shops and record stores. 

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