Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Tidbit of Advice

 By Abigail Stanton

Speaking for the first time as your friend,

let me leave you better than I found you


As the second Abby you've dated,

I imagine the third one would be terribly

insecure. For her sake,

break that trend.


Practically speaking, shave your face more

often than you think you need to, stop waiting to change

your oil, and tithe. Your pursuit of Lady Wisdom has been a pride

and joy to witness–continually accept her outreached hand.


The vase I bought, just Thursday, will never

fulfill its intended purpose to carry your care in floral form.

I grieve at the newfound obligation to bury long wilted

flowers. Never let another bury the twice dead, and


if it's okay, I'll visit your church someday. I never

thought anything other than "pastor" suited

you. I pray you grow to shepherd your flock tenderly,

but first, become tender.


Now, newly as just "you and I," I mourn "we," but never could I

be bitter. The heart's desire and mind's commitment to love

are to sacrificially care, so in this I know you love me,

and I, you.

About the Author

Abigail is studying at ICC with the hopes of one day becoming a middle school English teacher. When she isn't busy with her jobs as a barista, bowling league manager, and camp counselor, she can be found sipping an iced lavender latte and reading her Bible.


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