Thursday, September 1, 2022

Refracted Light

 By Jacob Gray


Ash settles like snow

On fickle memory,

Hot, and cold.


You are where my brain and mind

Collide, and disagree,



I grew old, while you stayed

Much the same. I wish to cut,

And count your rings;


But it is only your changing leaves

I see, your age a guessing game,

Imploring me–


Now you are the black bee,

Buzzing deep within my memory.

I swat at you and run away


Testing my capabilities, showing

You how fast I can run today.

But I am only stung


By the warping of time,

The interwoven in flight, yellow-laced twine,

refracted light.


Follow me, bumblebee,

And we may find your yellow;

But backwards glances only give way


To repeated turns of the handle

On dead-bolted doors–

Frustrating me.


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