Thursday, August 24, 2023

Imagining Closeness

 By Rebekah Rademacher


My eyes are shut
The air is quiet
My thoughts slow. 

I'm leaning against my bookbag
And I imagine you. 
What if I was leaning on you? 

Your smile is kind

I lay my head on your shoulder. 
You want me to talk
Tell you about today, the past week 

I feel like we've grown apart
I don't talk to you as much as I want to
But right now, you're here. 

When I write to you, I hide behind my words. 
Hesitant to show emotion
If I do, it's not genuine. 

But imagining you here, 
There's no words to hide behind.
No barrier between us

You can see
Eating away at my mind. 

You can see 
Pulling me under. 

You can see 
Peeking through. 

You sit here with me. 
Inviting me to talk 
And you'll listen. 

About the Author
Rebekah graduated from ICC in spring of 2023. Her poetry has been published in the previous issues of Illinois Central Review. She works part-time as a barista and loves coffee. When she's not writing, she may be found reading, hiking, and crocheting, and probably spoiling her two guinea pigs. 

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