Thursday, August 24, 2023

Journey through the Forest of One Thousand Truths and Two Lies

 By Ashley Simone


The forest of one thousand truths and two lies is a terrible place, or so they warned me.
The leaves crackle and crunch beneath my boots, like the hundred mouse skeletons my brother collected one summer.
And yet I came here anyway, in spite of their warnings. I had to know.
The leaves stretch farther than your eye could see, though there are no trees.

The leaves crackle and crunch beneath my boots, like the hundred mouse skeletons my brother collected one summer.
They are every color a leaf could be, yellow, orange, brown, black, love red, hate red, loneliness blue, drowned purple.
The leaves stretch farther than your eye could see, though there are no trees.
Every leaf is a truth, except two that lie.

They are every color a leaf could be, yellow, orange, brown, black, love red, hate red, loneliness blue, drowned purple.
I reach down to pick up a leaf, cutting myself on its sharp, bladed edge.
Every leaf is a truth, except two that lie.
You cannot save her.

I reach down to pick up a leaf, cutting myself on its sharp, bladed edge.
Anyone else could, but you cannot.
You cannot save her.
I know who she is, though I’ve never met her. Or maybe these are the two lies, and I don’t know who she is, and I have met her.

Anyone else could, but I cannot.
I search my memory.
I know who she is, though I’ve never met her. Or maybe these are the two lies, and I don’t know who she is, and I have met her.
Another leaf nears my hand.

I search my memory.
This time I am careful. I do not bleed. It would have hurt less, though.
Another leaf nears my hand.
In every other life you would have been happier.

This time I am careful. I do not bleed. It would have hurt less, though.
There must be useful truths somewhere in this forest.
In every other life you would have been happier.
I don’t buy it. That must be the lie.

There must be useful truths somewhere in this forest.
There’s hope for a better future.
I don’t buy it. That must be the lie.
Perhaps the name is the lie, and there are 1000 lies and two truths.

There’s hope for a better future.
Without you.
Perhaps the name is the lie, and there are 1000 lies and two truths.
I wonder how the world would be

Without me.
In a flash I see another terrible truth or far more terrible lie; the world burns to ash; the people smile as they die.
I wonder how the world would be
and again

In a flash I see another terrible truth or far more terrible lie; the world burns to ash; the people smile as they die.
They hate you such that they would rather burn without you than live with you.
and again
They love you such that they would rather burn with you than live without you.

They hate me such that they would rather burn without me than live with me.
They love me such that they would rather burn with me than live without me.
It cannot be both, one must lie or both.

It cannot be both, one must lie or both.
Or maybe I am wrong and both must be truth.

or maybe both of both of both; both are true, they both lie and they both speak the truth
Or maybe I am wrong and both must be truth.
The truth or lies or both hurts less than the iron bladed edges of the leaves.

or maybe both of both of both; both are true, they both lie and they both speak the truth
Just maybe
The truth or lies or both hurts less than the iron bladed edges of the leaves.
But I came here to burn this place like the world burned, or burns.

Just maybe
I can gather some truths and two lies
But I came here to burn this place like the world burned, or burns.
And yet steel cannot burn.

I can gather some truths and two lies
Steel and books and the world can burn, but you cannot burn them for you have not yet been burned by them, and thus so for all things for all people.
And yet steel cannot burn.

Steel and books and the world can burn, but you cannot burn them for you have not yet been burned by them, and thus so for all things for all people.
The Fable of Pythagoras
Fables always lie; that is the truth.

The Fable of Pythagoras
And other stories
Fables always lie; that is the truth.
There was once a fellow named Pythagoras who promised to speak only the truth

And other stories
But that is not the truth
There was once a fellow named Pythagoras who promised to speak only the truth
and he did.

But that is not the truth
Everyone lies.
and he did.
And he spoke to his followers

Everyone lies.
Except me
And he spoke to his followers
Trust no man

Except me
and they did
Trust no man
But as it turns out, the world is full of women (some will tell you this is a lie) who could be trusted

and they did
And Pythagoras’s lies and truths fell on deaf ears
But as it turns out, the world is full of women (some will tell you this is a lie) who could be trusted
Who’s lies and truths did not

And Pythagoras’s lies and truths fell on deaf ears
for there are none among me that listened
Who’s lies and truths did not
pollute the truth and the lie and the story

for there are none among me that listened
when I said to
pollute the truth and the lie and the story
And so now I see that all fables are all lies and all truths but no story, and all stories are no lies and no truths and all story.

when I said to
listen, you did
And so now you see that all fables are all lies and all truths but no story, and all stories are no lies and no truths and all story.
Who’s teaching who, and who is teaching the truth, or the lie closest to the truth?

when I said to
learn, you taught. Though maybe you cannot learn without teaching, for surely you cannot teach without learning.
Who’s teaching who, and who is teaching the truth, or the lie closest to the truth?
How can you so batter me truth giver lie speaker story teller? When you said

learn, I taught. Though maybe I cannot learn without teaching, for surely I cannot teach without learning
Do not speak to me.
How can you so batter me truth giver lie speaker story teller? When you said
No, no more, your time is over and your truth has ended.

Do not speak to me.
I reach for another blood-blue leaf.
No, no more, your time is over and your truth has ended.
And yet I am still here.

I reach for another blood-blue leaf.
You would be better off dead.
And yet I am still here.
And when I continue on, I shall live far after you have burned.

You would be better off dead.
You shall not speak to me for long.
And when I continue on, I shall live far after you have bled.
But you won’t, and that is the truth.

I shall speak to you exactly as much as I damn well please and if there are only two truths in our world, this is one of them.
At the end of this, I will be free
But you won’t, and that is the truth.
Some day

At the end of this, I will be free
Another leaf
Some day
Golden as the moon this time

Another leaf
At the end of this, I will be free
This leaf shall help
Golden as the moon this time

You are not here to seek truths.
Wrong leaf.
This leaf shall help
You are not here to seek lies.

I are not here to seek truths.
I are not here to seek lies.
I am here to seek the one thing that actually matters in this world and the only thing that brought you and me and her and them here: I am here to find a story, amid the forest, and the blood, and the fables, and the junk, and the leafs that speak and argue and hate me and love me. In between it all or through it all, there is a story, told in the jagged edges of a steel, treeless forest. 

you must agree
you are here to seek the one thing that actually matters in this world and the only thing that brought me and you and her and them here: you are here to find a story, amid the forest, and the blood, and the fables, and the junk, and the leaves that speak and argue and hate me and love me. In between it all or through it all, there is a story, told in the jagged edges of a steel, treeless forest. 
Yes, and I see it now, or half see it.

you must agree
the moon looks awfully beautiful
Yes, and I see it now, or half see it.
I should think that makes it all worth it.

the moon looks awfully beautiful
It is a perfect half moon, though in truth it is as full as any moon ever, half is just shrouded by darkness.
I should think that makes it all worth it.
It does. Love

It is a perfect half moon, though in truth it is as full as any moon ever, half is just shrouded by darkness.
Don’t you think?
It does. Love
it is not a stranger to me.

Don’t you think?
That it is strange that I should be here all alone?
it is not a stranger to me.
Nor is this place, in truth, I have been here many time’s before.

That it is strange that you should be here all alone?
No. there is no other way to get here but alone, for if there was anyone there with you, they would pull you back, out of the forest, before you get a chance to turn over even a single steel leaf.
Nor is this place, in truth, I have been here many time’s before.
I am used to steel leaves.

No. there is no other way to get here but alone, for if there was anyone there with me, they would pull me back, out of the forest, before I got a chance to turn over even a single steel leaf.
Though the leaves are no longer steel. They feel more like paper.
I am used to steel leaves.
As am I. As am I...

Though the leaves are no longer steel. They feel more like paper.
They are still the same leafs, though. They can still hurt you, but not with their jagged edges. Those where never the worst parts, anyway. The letters, words, thoughts always cut deeper.
As am I. As am I...
Who among us is not cut deep? Who among us has not trudged through hell? Who among us stands here with their clothes yet unheavied by blood or fear or years.

They are still the same leafs, though. They can still hurt you, but not with their jagged edges. Those where never the worst parts, anyway. The letters, words, thoughts always cut deeper.
They heavy your clothes with something more than blood, or years, or fear.
Who among us is not cut deep? Who among us has not trudged through hell? Who among us stands here with their clothes yet unheavied by blood or fear or years.
We all are, but some carry deeper wounds.

We heavy your clothes with something more than blood, or years, or fear.
Is that why they burned this place? Why there are not trees? Is that why some of you where reduced to steel?
We all are, but some carry deeper wounds.
There are fates worse than an eternity of ash and steel.

Is that why they burned this place? Why there are not trees? Is that why some of you where reduced to steel?
Then again, I suppose
There are fates worse than an eternity of ash and steel.
At least we have an eternity

Then again, I suppose
An eternity of pain, and inflicting pain (although those two dance hand in burned hand) is not so great a fate.
At least you have an eternity
Not like me, or her, or them. We are doomed to walk this earth and the dark places beneath and above it for only moments, until we pass on into whatever is darker than darkness, whatever is quieter than silence, whatever is emptier than nothing.

An eternity of pain, and inflicting pain (although those two dance hand in burned hand) is not so great a fate.
But it is better than any afforded to us.
Not like me, or her, or them. We are doomed to walk this earth and the dark places beneath and above it for only moments, until we pass on into whatever is darker than darkness, whatever is quieter than silence, whatever is emptier than nothing.
And yet, we know truths we cannot, and were burned for it, and you know lies we could not, and were bled for it.

But it is better than any afforded to us.
I disagree.
And yet, you know truths I cannot, and were burned for it, and I know lies you could not, and were bled for it.
But to burn or bleed, not truly so different, and flesh and steel can live burned hand in bloodied hand, if only one of us reaches out in the darkness for the other

I disagree.
We are not the same, you and I. We can not truly live hand in hand, for in years or days your hand shall rot, but mine, mine shall weather the test of time.
But to burn or bleed, not truly so different, and flesh and steel can live burned hand in bloodied hand, if only one of us reaches out in the darkness for the other
if only for a moment.

We are not the same, you and I. We can not truly live hand in hand, for in years or days my hand shall rot, but yours, yours shall weather the test of time.
And yet here we are, living and loving and lying besides each other
if only for a moment.
I should like this moment to continue forever

And yet here we are, living and loving and lying besides each other
Then again, I don’t think I can say
I should like this moment to continue forever
Forever scares me, even as it consumes me. With death, you are afforded an ending of things, a conclusion, a freedom, a point. But come time or flame or the ravages of hatred or love, so fast or slow it might be, I shall remain, steadfast, evercontinuant, unfulfilled.

Then again, I don’t think I can say
I truly understand when you say
Forever scares me, even as it consumes me. With death, you are afforded an ending of things, a conclusion, a freedom, a point. But come time or flame or the ravages of hatred or love, so fast or slow it might be, I shall remain, steadfast, evercontinuant, unfulfilled.
For what I would give to take your place

I truly understand when you say

For what I would give to take your place

Then let us.

Then let us.
And I took your place.

And you mine.

And I took your place.

and you mine.

And so it is that I stand here as the forest. I can see now. The trees were never burned or died or reduced to steel or slag. They were always, though I missed them for the forest, just as I missed the leafs for their text. I looked for truths and lies where I ought to be looking for, where there was only beauty. I supposed I should have known, after all, it is the forest of 1000 truths and 2 lies, not the library of 1000 truths and 2 lies.

And now I see with eyes as slits in the bag of life that covers my head and I am lost and lost and lost amongst the rush of time for a day of a forest passes slower or faster, or maybe easier than the minute of a human, or something close to human. I see it all now, by which of course I mean I see nothing. No truths or lies, just the story, the story you promised me I had in me, though now in you, told in ash and steel and leaves. I cannot pretend to understand, if there is a veil to be pulled back, some inner meaning to reach, some grand message to be gleamed from it all, then I am not the forest or form for the job. Perhaps they are. Regardless, though, I see the second truth, and this is it, though I dare not speak it in any more words or any fewer. Amongst the trees and leaves and blood I shall leave it, as the home and self I leave behind.

There is not more truth beyond that.

None left in this forest, not for me at least. The truths, then, are all left to you.

There is not more truth beyond that.

None left in this forest, not for you at least. The truths, then, are all left to me.
For I am the forest of 1000 truths and two lies, and I suppose it is now my duty to find or safegaurd or write the other 998 truths.

This is your duty, as it was once mine:
For you are the forest of 1000 truths and two lies, and I suppose it is now your duty to find or safegaurd or write the other 998 truths.
Just as I once did, or once will do.

This is my duty, as it was once yours:
Tell them neither the truth nor the lie, but rather, the story they need to hear.
Just as you once did, or once will do.

Tell them neither the truth nor the lie, but rather, the story they want to hear.
For there is nothing else you can do.
There is not.

For there is nothing else you can do.
But breath and walk and love and hate and find meaning for yourself in the stars and the mountains and the puddles that dwell in gutters when the nights are wet.
There is not.
None but that.

But breath and walk and love and hate and find meaning for myself in the stars and the mountains and the puddles that dwell in gutters when the nights are wet.
I should think I should quite like that.
None but that.
And now you are free to be a forest.

I should think I should quite like that.
I was warned never to come here
And now I am free to be a forest.
And now I know, and know, and know.

I was warned never to come here
And yet I came here anyway, in spite of their warnings. I had to know.
And now I know, and know, and know.
The forest of one thousand truths and two lies is not so terrible a place as they warned me.

About the Author
Ashley Simone is a freshman currently studying at Illinois Central College for an Associates in English with hopes to transfer to a four-year school. She has been writing short fiction since early 2021 and took up poetry in 2022. This is her first published work. 

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