Thursday, August 24, 2023

Sometimes we are like falling leaves

 By Dinah Henry


A falling leaf is falling off a tree, but sometimes it doesn't know where it's going to land. On the ground? In the water? With more leaves? Or by itself? It is a falling leaf waiting to land. I keep thinking about what am I, and who am I. Sometimes we are like leaves because we don’t know where our journey is going to land in our life. We sometimes don’t know where that journey will take us. That is OK because sometimes our lives to us are questions that we need to find, to seek. Maybe we will find the answers, maybe we won’t, but whatever happens next, let the journey take you on a ride because sometimes you will never know what you will find.

About the Author

You might have know this person by her writing some other poems such as "I am a flower." She has been mostly busy with her school and writing more poems for you to read. She has been at ICC for over three years now and can't wait for what's next in store for her. Her name is Dinah and she hopes that you do love her work that she has done so far. 

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