Thursday, August 1, 2024


 By Adarina Norberg

Holding each other 

Simply being side by side

The clock hands tick away 

Always moving forward

While we stay behind here

In This warm happiness

My body can’t accept it

a gaping hole in the middle of the void that is the sky 

my husk of body and heart that should be tender

Are wretchedly deformed with a lifetime of un healing wounds

Completely perverted by now…

Please Only Give me love if it’s dripping with my blood 

Until my heart stops, make it hurt more than this.

Everything is spinning around in whirlwinds of anxiety

And so…

Your kindness is torture.

You’re so gentle with me 

And I wish that this could last

Being here with you 

Foolishly hoping that it will be forever

This tiny piece of happiness

My heart just can’t take it

To tell you the truth, I’m completely twisted

The fact is, nothing can be done for me

Endure it, keep fighting, endure it.

I’m so covered in scars, it’s hard to tell anymore 

If I am


Kiss me just so you can taste my blood

I’m just so broken, I want a substitute 

Claw out my eyes and rip me apart

Dance to the melody of my cracking bones

And build a replacement for this worthless body

But you never do

Everything is spinning in whirlwinds of anxiety 

And so…

I’m lonely 


About the Author

Adarina is in her first year at ICC. She enjoys music, art, and linguistics. She enjoys learning about other cultures and languages and likes to enjoy foreign media and experiment with language in her poetry.

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