Thursday, August 1, 2024

To Be Known

 By Natalie Scott

I drove by your house
For the first time in four years
I was terrified, expecting you to walk outside
It’s weird to be back in this town
Seems like nothing’s really changed
But the air felt cooler, reminding me I’m an intruder
Some things stay the same forever
Some things really never get better
I’m the biggest ghost in this ghost town
Silently screaming, notice me around
Could you feel my presence, could you?
Did it feel unpleasant, to you?
I went to our coffee shop
For the first time in ages
I ordered the same thing, latching on to a knotted string
No one recognizes me here
To them, I’m just another tourist
But a piece of my heart resides here, after all these years
Some things stay the same forever
Some things really never get better
I’m the biggest ghost in this ghost town
Silently screaming, notice me around
Could you feel my presence, could you?
Did it feel unpleasant, to you?
God, I’ve missed this place
God, I’ve missed your face
I like this town because it’s where you are
I like this town because it’s where we once were
I’m scared to one day see you again
But I’d give anything for you to see me instead
To be known by you, for who I am
To be loved by you, for who I am
I’ll always long for these things
Even though they’re out of reach
Some things stay the same forever
Some things really never get better
I’m the biggest ghost in this ghost town
Silently screaming, notice me around
Could you please just notice me now?
To be known by you
All I want is to be known by you

About the Author

Natalie Scott is an English major at ICC.  She is planning to pursue a career in either Journalism or in the book publishing industry. She has been an avid reader and writer her whole life, and is excited to one day make an impact with her words. 

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